现在的程序开发中,我想大家想不用github类的版本控制工具都很难了吧,也很难想象不用版本控制工具是怎么样的一个体验。但是Git会用还不行,Git的出现本意就是为团队协作的,git add, git commit, git push, 我想明白人看看就会了。如果在一个团队中开发代码,许多人共用一个分支,那也是不可想象的,冲突肯定是会随时发生的,不是你写的代码那冲突就会更加的麻烦。那git-flow 是一个 git 扩展集,接下来我跟大家分享下我和我的团队小伙伴的协作开发工作流程,那我这边呢其实没用到这个扩展,只是在git中使用了这些思想及流程。
Jekyll supports the use of Markdown with inline HTML tags which makes it easier to quickly write posts with Jekyll, without having to worry too much about text formatting. A sample of the formatting follows.
From Michael’s Rose Minimal Mistakes.
Syntax highlighting is a feature that displays source code, in different colors and fonts according to the category of terms. This feature facilitates writing in a structured language such as a programming language or a markup language as both structures and syntax errors are visually distinct. Highlighting does not affect the meaning of the text itself; it is intended only for human readers.
Test article, get the source on github.